We provide custom geocoding of your data and will fit a geocoding plan specific to your data and specifications.
Know where your customers are. We can map your customer data, allowing you to analyze their locations. Advantages of knowing the location of your customers range from target marketing and site selection studies to minimizing delivery costs.
We can also provide the density of your customers by a specified geography. Visualize the distribution of your facilities and those of your competitors. Locating your facilities spatially allows you the ability to adjust your services and marketing if necessary based on the areas they currently serve and their proximity to competition. We also have the ability to tag your data with other geography such as state, county, zip code, census tract, census block group or even census block. Knowing the geography within which your customers reside allows for further analysis based on demographic data at the desired geographic level.
Our specialist can also tag your data with any number of distance variables such as the distance to a specific site or the nearest site to each customer.
Beyond geocoding services custom mapping is available. Contact us to speak with a specialist who can tailor a plan to meet your mapping needs.