Market Feasibility Services
VSI provides market analyses and market feasibility studies for a range of real estate alternatives, including affordable and market-rate apartments, condominiums, single-family developments, senior living alternatives, commercial space and mixed-use developments.
The core principle of VSI is based on thorough and complete field research. VSI is unique in the field of market research because of its extensive field survey and focus on the most comparable properties. This approach allows the reader to firmly grasp the depth of the market and provides detailed insights into the most comparable properties to the subject site.
Our clients rely on VSI as part of their development process, because they know that solid, reliable market research is a necessity in the development of a project.
VSI provides market analyses for every type of residential alternative. Because our studies are often included with state or HUD applications, it is critical that our studies meet the required guidelines. We routinely monitor and review market study guidelines and maintain constant communication with our clients to ensure that our studies meet and exceed their expectations. Read More
VSI continues to address the growing senior housing market with highly relevant and detailed market studies. These studies address a variety of issues surrounding senior care facilities, including the market feasibility of specific housing types. These include independent living, congregate care, assisted living, supportive living, nursing care and adult day care. Read More
VSI is aware of the growing issues facing housing authority officials. From aging housing stock to long waiting lists and limited Vouchers, VSI understands the issues and provides comprehensive market analysis that give housing authority and city officials a clear picture of the market. Read More
VSI provides market analysis for a variety of real estate alternatives. In today's real estate market, there are very few "sure things". VSI can evaluate market conditions for any commercial development by analyzing existing supply, vacancies, sales/rental rates compared with expenditures in the area. Read More