Senior Market Feasibility Services
VSI continues to address the growing senior housing market with highly relevant and detailed market studies. These studies address a variety of issues surrounding senior care facilities, including the market feasibility of specific housing types. These include independent living, congregate care, assisted living, supportive-living, nursing care and adult day care. We also provide analysis and recommendations for the ongoing feasibility of existing facilities, including the addition of other components, health care services and reconfiguration strategies.
Our studies provide a detailed look at the different options for seniors, including market-rate and affordable (subsidized) senior residential care. We not only address the basic components of supply and demand, but also focus specifically on concept, continuum of care issues and specific health care issues. On the demand side, we provide a detailed and exact demand analysis, taking into consideration the latest demographic information and trends in senior living and health care assets.
HUD provides capital advances through the Section 202 program to finance the construction, rehabilitation or acquisition with or without rehabilitation of structures that will serve as supportive housing for very low-income elderly persons, including the frail elderly, and provides rent subsidies for the projects to help make them affordable. Read More
In 2008, HUD developed its LEAN process for Section 232 applications. Section 232 is a FHA-Insured loan program that covers the frail elderly. Read More
HUD provides funding to nonprofit organizations to develop rental housing with the availability of supportive services for very low-income adults with disabilities, and provides rent subsidies for the projects to help make them affordable. Read More
Assisted living facilities are becoming more numerous as the nation continues to age and nursing costs escalate. These facilities provide accommodations, supervision and services typically in a single-use building type. Read More
Nursing homes in America have been the traditional housing for our most frail population. In addition to our most frail population, nursing beds are often occupied by the poorest, oldest adults, since many have spent down their assets over the years for other forms of care. Read More
Four housing concepts have evolved that respond to older adults seeking, or who need, alternatives to their current living environment. They include, in order of increasing care requirements, independent living, congregate care, assisted living and nursing care. Read More
VSI continues to address the growing senior housing market with highly relevant and detailed market studies. These studies address a variety of issues surrounding senior care facilities, including the market feasibility of specific housing types. These include independent living, congregate care, assisted living and nursing care. Read More
VSI offers the option of a financial proforma projection for a senior project as a tool for developers, project owners and their management team to use in preparation for program planning, construction, land acquisition, financing, architectural design team planning and other important decisions early in the development and project planning phase of their project. This tool is typically used following the completion of the site-specific market feasibility study for the senior development. Read More