VSI's Research Center


The Demographic Apartment Research Tool of VSI (VSI) is one of the most powerful apartment research tools in the industry! From this page, you may access the most up-to-date demographic information, coupled with a variety of analytical tools that are linked to our database of more than 70,000 apartment properties across the nation.

Here, you may search the apartment properties in the VSI database that you want to be displayed. Simply select this from the dropdown menu labeled “properties” at the top of this page. The legend describing these properties is below this text box. Note also that you can display by specific property types noted below. You can also screen properties by year of construction/rehabilitated by simply specifying a year.

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Recently Viewed Properties
Timber Ridge
Built: 1970
Renovated: 2016
Total Units: 70
Brookpark Place
Market-rate, Tax Credit & Government-subsidized
Built: 1976
Renovated: 2021
Total Units: 151
Stone House Place
Built: 1992
Total Units: 52
Lansing Limited Apts.
Built: 1978
Renovated: 2011
Total Units: 72
Providence Greene I
Tax Credit
Built: 2005
Total Units: 50
Providence Greene II
Tax Credit
Built: 2006
Total Units: 50
Riverview Towers
Built: 1973
Renovated: 2009
Total Units: 74
Montani Towers
Built: 1979
Renovated: 2008
Total Units: 100
Windsor Manor
Market-rate & Government-subsidized
Built: 1898
Renovated: 2016
Total Units: 109
Waterside Twnhms.
Built: 1999
Total Units: 18
Parkway Manor on the Lake
Built: 1968
Total Units: 48
Grant Square Apts.
Tax Credit
Built: 2012
Total Units: 72
Provides quick demographic information for every U.S. county. Also provides current and historic HUD Fair Market Rents, Income Limits, and Maximum Rents for the area.
Integrates the HUD LIHTC Database, which includes all Tax Credit properties nationwide with Google maps. Also provides aggregate information.

Ohio Tax Credit Database

The perfect way to begin preliminary research for a Tax Credit project in Ohio. Shows the locations of all Tax Credit projects in the state, provides demographic information, recent allocations and OHFA criteria.

Assisted Living and Nursing Care

Shows locations and capacity of existing licenced assisted living and nursing care facilities in each county, along with demographic information. Preliminary support levels for assisted living beds in 2009 and 2014 are provided.